
1.3 KiB



Basic examples of how to use this device


Instead of polling for every single [x y z] set, a FIFO with programmable capacity ("watermark") can be used like such: All FIFO readings use 10-bit resolution regardless of the mode set in lis.cfg.mode. The watermark level can also be adjusted to a value [0-31] inclusive by modifying the lis.cfg.fifo.fth property before calling configure().

The LIS3DH can optionally apply a HP filter on the sample data. It can be used to greatly reduce the "DC acceleration" present.


The LIS3DH supports two different interrupt "output pins," INT1 and INT2. The appropriate flag must be set in either cfg.int1 or cfg.int2 (only one of such flags can be set at a time!) and the interrupt source must be configured to trigger into INT1 or INT2. Below is example code that listens and receives an interrupt when the FIFO watermark is reached i.e. it is full.


Set up single-click detection


Set up double-click detection


Enable and read built-in ADCs.

  • Input range: 800 mV to 1600 mV
  • Resolution: 8-bit in LP mode, 10-bit in normal and in HR mode.
  • Sampling frequency: same as ODR


Enable and read built-in temperature sensor

  • Operating range: -40 to 85°C
  • Step size: ±1°C