84 lines
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84 lines
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#ifndef MPU6050_H
#define MPU6050_H
#include <stdint.h>
/* Gyroscope full-scale range */
#define MPU6050_GYRO_FS_250 0x00 /* ± 250 °/s */
#define MPU6050_GYRO_FS_500 0x01 /* ± 500 °/s */
#define MPU6050_GYRO_FS_1000 0x02 /* ± 1000 °/s */
#define MPU6050_GYRO_FS_2000 0x03 /* ± 2000 °/s */
/* Accelerometer full-scale range */
#define MPU6050_ACC_FS_2G 0x00 /* ± 2g */
#define MPU6050_ACC_FS_4G 0x01 /* ± 4g */
#define MPU6050_ACC_FS_8G 0x02 /* ± 8g */
#define MPU6050_ACC_FS_16G 0x03 /* ± 16g */
struct mpu6050_dev {
int (*init)(void);
int (*write)(uint8_t reg, uint8_t value);
int (*read)(uint8_t reg, uint8_t *dst, uint32_t size);
int (*sleep)(uint32_t dur_us);
int (*deinit)(void);
/* for configuring REG_INT_ENABLE */
struct mpu6050_int_enable {
uint8_t mot; /* enables motion detect interrupt */
uint8_t fifo_overflow; /* enables FIFO buffer overflow interrupt */
uint8_t i2c_mst; /* enables any i2c master to generate interrupt */
uint8_t data_rdy; /* enable interrupt upon finished write to data out registers */
/* configuring variables that are written to the device */
struct mpu6050_config {
uint8_t gyro;
uint8_t acc;
uint8_t dlpl; /* digital low-pass filter level [0-7]*/
uint8_t sdiv; /* sample rate divider. ~ lpl; lpl=(0,7) => divides 8KHz else 1 KHz*/
struct mpu6050_int_enable int_enable;
/* 1 lsb = 1 mg (1/1000 g) */
struct mpu6050_accelerometer {
int16_t x;
int16_t y;
int16_t z;
/* 1 lsb = 0.1 deg / s */
struct mpu6050_gyroscope {
int16_t x;
int16_t y;
int16_t z;
/* stores all converted data read from the device */
struct mpu6050_data {
struct mpu6050_accelerometer acc;
struct mpu6050_gyroscope gyro;
int16_t temp;
struct mpu6050 {
struct mpu6050_dev dev;
struct mpu6050_config cfg;
struct mpu6050_data data;
typedef struct mpu6050 mpu6050_t;
int mpu6050_init(mpu6050_t *mpu6050);
int mpu6050_deinit(mpu6050_t *mpu6050);
int mpu6050_read_acc(mpu6050_t *mpu6050);
int mpu6050_read_gyro(mpu6050_t *mpu6050);
int mpu6050_read_temp(mpu6050_t *mpu6050);
int mpu6050_read(mpu6050_t *mpu6050);
int mpu6050_configure(mpu6050_t *mpu6050);
int mpu6050_calibrate_gyro(mpu6050_t *mpu6050);
int mpu6050_reset(mpu6050_t *mpu6050);
#endif |