#ifndef LIS3DH_H #define LIS3DH_H #include /* macros for checking INT_SRC registers upon interrupt */ #define LIS3DH_INT_SRC_X_LOW(c) (!!(c & 0x01)) /* X axis low */ #define LIS3DH_INT_SRC_X_HIGH(c) (!!(c & 0x02)) /* X axis high */ #define LIS3DH_INT_SRC_Y_LOW(c) (!!(c & 0x04)) /* Y axis low */ #define LIS3DH_INT_SRC_Y_HIGH(c) (!!(c & 0x08)) /* Y axis high */ #define LIS3DH_INT_SRC_Z_LOW(c) (!!(c & 0x10)) /* Z axis low */ #define LIS3DH_INT_SRC_Z_HIGH(c) (!!(c & 0x20)) /* Z axis high */ #define LIS3DH_INT_SRC_IA(c) (!!(c & 0x40)) /* Interrupt active */ /* macros for checking CLICK_SRC register upon interrupt */ #define LIS3DH_CLICK_SRC_X(c) (!!(c & 0x01)) /* X high event */ #define LIS3DH_CLICK_SRC_Y(c) (!!(c & 0x02)) /* Y high event */ #define LIS3DH_CLICK_SRC_Z(c) (!!(c & 0x04)) /* Z high event */ #define LIS3DH_CLICK_SIGN(c) (!!(c & 0x08)) /* Click sign, 1 = positive */ #define LIS3DH_CLICK_SCLICK(c) (!!(c & 0x10)) /* Single-click det. enabled */ #define LIS3DH_CLICK_DCLICK(c) (!!(c & 0x20)) /* Double-click det. enabled */ /* macros for checking FIFO_SRC register */ #define LIS3DH_FIFO_SRC_UNREAD(c) (c & 0x1F) /* FSS / current unread samples in FIFO */ #define LIS3DH_FIFO_SRC_EMPTY(c) (!!(c & 0x20)) /* FIFO is empty */ #define LIS3DH_FIFO_SRC_OVRN(c) (!!(c & 0x40)) /* FIFO has overrun (full 32) */ #define LIS3DH_FIFO_SRC_WTM(c) (!!(c & 0x80)) /* FIFO watermark hit (not full 32) */ /* macros for checking STATUS register */ #define LIS3DH_STATUS_XDA(c) (!!(c & 0x01)) /* X-axis data available */ #define LIS3DH_STATUS_YDA(c) (!!(c & 0x02)) /* Y-axis data available */ #define LIS3DH_STATUS_ZDA(c) (!!(c & 0x04)) /* Z-axis data available */ #define LIS3DH_STATUS_ZYXDA(c) (!!(c & 0x08)) /* {Z,Y,X}-axis data available */ #define LIS3DH_STATUS_XOR(c) (!!(c & 0x10)) /* X-axis data has overrun (been overwritten) */ #define LIS3DH_STATUS_YOR(c) (!!(c & 0x20)) /* Y-axis data has overrun (been overwritten) */ #define LIS3DH_STATUS_ZOR(c) (!!(c & 0x40)) /* Z-axis data has overrun (been overwritten) */ #define LIS3DH_STATUS_ZYXOR(c) (!!(c & 0x80)) /* {Z,Y,X}-axis data has overrun (been overwritten) */ /* rates */ /* all power modes */ #define LIS3DH_ODR_POWEROFF 0x00 #define LIS3DH_ODR_1_HZ 0x01 #define LIS3DH_ODR_10_HZ 0x02 #define LIS3DH_ODR_25_HZ 0x03 #define LIS3DH_ODR_50_HZ 0x04 #define LIS3DH_ODR_100_HZ 0x05 #define LIS3DH_ODR_200_HZ 0x06 #define LIS3DH_ODR_400_HZ 0x07 /* only normal mode */ #define LIS3DH_ODR_NORM_1344_HZ 0x09 /* only low-power mode */ #define LIS3DH_ODR_LP_1600_HZ 0x08 #define LIS3DH_ODR_LP_5376_HZ 0x09 /* range/sens */ #define LIS3DH_FS_2G 0x00 #define LIS3DH_FS_4G 0x01 #define LIS3DH_FS_8G 0x02 #define LIS3DH_FS_16G 0x03 /* operating modes */ #define LIS3DH_MODE_HR 0x00 #define LIS3DH_MODE_LP 0x01 #define LIS3DH_MODE_NORMAL 0x02 /* FIFO modes */ #define LIS3DH_FIFO_MODE_BYPASS 0x00 #define LIS3DH_FIFO_MODE_NORMAL 0x01 /* "FIFO" */ #define LIS3DH_FIFO_MODE_STREAM 0x02 #define LIS3DH_FIFO_MODE_STREAM_TO_FIFO 0x03 /* FIFO trigger pin selection */ #define LIS3DH_FIFO_TRIG_INT1 0x00 #define LIS3DH_FIFO_TRIG_INT2 0x01 /* filter modes */ /* Normal mode * but reset by reading REFERENCE, instantly removes the DC component */ #define LIS3DH_FILTER_MODE_NORMAL_REF 0x00 /* Reference mode * Output [x y z] data is calculated as the difference between the * measured acceleration and the value stored in REFERENCE. * signed 7-bit int, 1 LSb value depends on FS. * FS_2G: ~ 16mg per 1 LSb * FS_4G: ~ 31mg per 1 LSb * FS_8G: ~ 63mg per 1 LSb * FS_16G: ~127mg per 1 LSb * */ #define LIS3DH_FILTER_MODE_REFERENCE 0x01 /* Normal mode * Probably the same as LIS3DH_FILTER_MODE_NORMAL_REF */ #define LIS3DH_FILTER_MODE_NORMAL 0x02 /* Autoreset mode * The filter is automatically reset upon configured interrupt event. * It can be reset at any time by reading REFERENCE. */ #define LIS3DH_FILTER_MODE_AUTORESET 0x03 /* filter cutoff */ /* unfortunately, there is only a table for low-power mode, and the actual cutoff-frequency depends on the ODR. Naming scheme after ODR@400Hz AN3308 > section */ #define LIS3DH_FILTER_CUTOFF_8 0x00 /* highest freq */ #define LIS3DH_FILTER_CUTOFF_4 0x01 #define LIS3DH_FILTER_CUTOFF_2 0x02 #define LIS3DH_FILTER_CUTOFF_1 0x03 /* lowest freq */ /* Note: IA{1,2} is interrupt activity {1,2} or interrupt generators */ /* user provided functions, init and deinit can be set to NULL and won't be used */ struct lis3dh_device { int (*init)(void); int (*read)(uint8_t reg, uint8_t *dst, uint32_t size); int (*write)(uint8_t reg, uint8_t value); int (*sleep)(uint32_t dur_us); int (*deinit)(void); }; struct lis3dh_click_config { uint8_t zd; /* double click interrupt on Z-axis */ uint8_t zs; /* single click interrupt on Z-axis */ uint8_t yd; /* double click interrupt on Y-axis */ uint8_t ys; /* single click interrupt on Y-axis */ uint8_t xd; /* double click interrupt on X-axis */ uint8_t xs; /* single click interrupt on X-axis */ uint8_t latch; /* active until CLICK_SRC is read */ }; /* INT1_CFG and INT2_CFG have identical struct */ struct lis3dh_int_config { uint8_t aoi; /* AND/OR combination of int events */ uint8_t en_6d; /* 6 direction detection */ uint8_t en_4d; /* both en_6d and en_4d must = 1 for 4D to work ! */ uint8_t zh; /* interrupt generation on Z high event / Dir. recog. */ uint8_t zl; /* interrupt generation on Z low event / Dir. recog. */ uint8_t yh; /* interrupt generation on Y high event / Dir. recog. */ uint8_t yl; /* interrupt generation on Y low event / Dir. recog. */ uint8_t xh; /* interrupt generation on X high event / Dir. recog. */ uint8_t xl; /* interrupt generation on X low event / Dir. recog. */ uint8_t latch; /* active until INT1_SRC/INT2_SRC is read */ }; /* config for interrupt output pin #2 */ struct lis3dh_int_pin2_config { uint8_t click; /* CLICK interrupt */ uint8_t ia1; /* IA1 interrupt */ uint8_t ia2; /* IA2 interrupt */ uint8_t boot; /* enable BOOT on pin 2 */ uint8_t act; /* interrupt on activity */ uint8_t polarity; /* INT1 & INT2 polarity. 0 active high, 1 active low */ }; /* config for interrupt output pin #1 */ struct lis3dh_int_pin1_config { uint8_t click; /* CLICK interrupt */ uint8_t ia1; /* IA1 interrupt */ uint8_t ia2; /* IA2 interrupt */ uint8_t drdy_zyxda; /* new [xyz] data ready (not via FIFO) */ uint8_t drdy_321; /* not sure */ uint8_t wtm; /* FIFO reached watermark level */ uint8_t overrun; /* FIFO has overrun */ }; /* config for high-pass filter */ struct lis3dh_filter_config { uint8_t mode; /* filter mode, reset behaviour */ uint8_t cutoff; /* high-pass filter cutoff freq (~ ODR) */ uint8_t fds; /* ¬(bypass filter) */ uint8_t click; /* enable filter for CLICK function */ uint8_t ia2; /* enable filter for AOI func on INT 2 */ uint8_t ia1; /* enable filter for AOI func on INT 1 */ }; /* config for FIFO */ struct lis3dh_fifo_config { uint8_t size; /* size of fifo; 0-32; 0=don't use. fth=[1-32]-1 (index) */ uint8_t trig; /* pin to trigger when watermark/overrun occurs */ uint8_t mode; /* FIFO mode */ }; struct lis3dh_config { uint8_t rate; /* ODR */ uint8_t range; /* FS */ uint8_t mode; /* LPen and HR */ struct lis3dh_fifo_config fifo; struct lis3dh_filter_config filter; struct lis3dh_int_pin1_config pin1; struct lis3dh_int_pin2_config pin2; struct lis3dh_int_config int1; struct lis3dh_int_config int2; struct lis3dh_click_config click; /* 1 LSb = 16 mg @ FS_2G * 1 LSb = 32 mg @ FS_4G * 1 LSb = 62 mg @ FS_8G * 1 LSb = 186 mg @ FS_16G */ uint8_t int1_ths; /* 7-bit INT 1 threshold value */ uint8_t int2_ths; /* 7-bit INT 2 threshold value */ uint8_t click_ths; /* 7-bit CLICK threshold value */ uint8_t act_ths; /* 7-bit ACT threshold value */ /* Duration time is measured in N/ODR where: * --- N = The content of the intX_dur integer * --- ODR = the data rate, eg 100, 400... * [ODR] [1 LSb in milliseconds] * 1 1000 * 10 100 * 25 40 * 50 20 * 100 10 * 200 5 * 400 2.5 * 1600 0.6 * 1344 0.744 * 5376 0.186 * (Note: this calc also applies to: * - time_limit * - time_window * - time_latency * used in CLICK) */ uint8_t int1_dur; /* 7-bit INT 1 duration value */ uint8_t int2_dur; /* 7-bit INT 2 duration value */ /* Sleep-to-wake and return-to-sleep duration * 1 LSb = (8 * 1[LSb] + 1) / ODR */ uint8_t act_dur; /* 8-bit ACT duration value */ uint8_t time_limit; /* 7-bit time limit ~ CLICK */ uint8_t time_latency; /* 8-bit time latency ~ CLICK */ uint8_t time_window; /* 8-bit time window ~ CLICK */ uint8_t sdo_pullup; /* Use pull-up on SDO. default 0 use */ uint8_t en_adc; /* enable ADC */ uint8_t en_temp; /* enable temp sensor on ADC 3 */ uint8_t reference; /* HP filter reference */ }; /* reads from internal ADCs. * Input range: 800 mV to 1600 mV * Resolution: * 8-bit in LP mode * 10-bit in normal and in HR mode. * Sampling frequency: * same as ODR * Output: * actual value in mV * 1 lsb = 1 mv * Temperature: * 1 lsb = 1 deg C */ struct lis3dh_adc { int16_t adc1; int16_t adc2; int16_t adc3; }; /* accel data read not using FIFO */ /* 1 lsb = 1 mg */ struct lis3dh_accel { int16_t x; int16_t y; int16_t z; }; /* stores interrupt source registers read from the device */ struct lis3dh_int_src { uint8_t int1; uint8_t int2; uint8_t click; }; struct lis3dh { struct lis3dh_device dev; /* fn ptrs to interface w/ device */ struct lis3dh_config cfg; /* config variables to write to device */ struct lis3dh_accel acc; /* accel data read from device (not FIFO) */ struct lis3dh_adc adc; /* adc and optionally temp read from device */ struct lis3dh_int_src src; /* INT_SRC registers read from device */ }; typedef struct lis3dh lis3dh_t; /* struct for containing the FIFO data */ /* 1 lsb = 1 mg */ struct lis3dh_fifo_data { uint8_t size; /* up to 32 */ int16_t x[32]; int16_t y[32]; int16_t z[32]; }; int lis3dh_init(lis3dh_t *lis3dh); int lis3dh_deinit(lis3dh_t *lis3dh); int lis3dh_configure(lis3dh_t *lis3dh); int lis3dh_read(lis3dh_t *lis3dh); int lis3dh_read_fifo(lis3dh_t *lis3dh, struct lis3dh_fifo_data *fifo); int lis3dh_read_int1(lis3dh_t *lis3dh); int lis3dh_read_int2(lis3dh_t *lis3dh); int lis3dh_read_click(lis3dh_t *lis3dh); int lis3dh_reference(lis3dh_t *lis3dh); int lis3dh_reset(lis3dh_t *lis3dh); int lis3dh_read_adc(lis3dh_t *lis3dh); int lis3dh_read_temp(lis3dh_t *lis3dh); #endif