This device supports two different interrupt "output pins," `INT1` and `INT2`. The appropriate flag must be set in either `cfg.pin1` or `cfg.pin2` and the interrupt source must be configured to trigger into `INT1` or `INT2`. This file contains example code that listens and receives an interrupt when the FIFO watermark is reached i.e. it is full.
An interrupt is generated when at least one of the configured axes is at or above the threshold level.
#### 6D MOVEMENT recognition
An interrupt is generated when the device moves from a direction (known or unknown) to a different known direction. The interrupt is only active for 1/ODR.
#### AND combination
An interrupt is generated when all of the configures axes are at or above the threshold level.
There are two interrupt registers, `int1` and `int2` that can be configured for inertial interrupts. The config structs are identical and contain the fields: `zh`, `zl`, `yh`, `yl`, `xh`, `xl`, and more. `zh` stands for `Z_axis_high` and `zl` stands for `Z_axis_low`. If both are enabled, the device will generate an interrupt upon Z-axis acceleration exceeding `threshold`, or upon Z-axis acceleration reading at or below `-threshold` (in OR mode. Not possible in AND mode).