#include #include #include #include "bme680.h" #include "i2c.h" #define DEVICE "/dev/i2c-1" #define ADDRESS 0x77 #define AMBIENT_TEMP_GUESS 25.0 #define HEATER_TARGET 320.0 int i2c_dev_fd; int linux_i2c_init (void); int linux_i2c_read (uint8_t reg, uint8_t *dst, uint32_t size); int linux_i2c_write (uint8_t reg, uint8_t value); int linux_i2c_deinit (void); int main(void) { bme680_t bme680; uint8_t mode; int i; /* 1. Assign functions for interacting with the device */ bme680.dev.init = linux_i2c_init; bme680.dev.read = linux_i2c_read; bme680.dev.write = linux_i2c_write; bme680.dev.deinit = linux_i2c_deinit; /* 2. set the device mode */ mode = BME680_MODE_FLOAT | BME680_I2C | BME680_ENABLE_GAS; /* BME680_MODE_INT | BME680_SPI; */ /* 3. initialise device, and check its id */ if (bme680_init(&bme680, mode) != 0) { fprintf(stderr, "bme680_init()\n"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } /* 4. reset */ bme680_reset(&bme680); /* 5. read calibration parameters from the device and store in memory */ if (bme680_calibrate(&bme680) != 0) { fprintf(stderr, "bme680_calibrate()\n"); bme680_deinit(&bme680); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } /* debug */ bme680_print_calibration(&bme680); /* 6. set up device config */ bme680.cfg.osrs_t = BME680_OVERSAMPLE_X16; bme680.cfg.osrs_p = BME680_OVERSAMPLE_X16; bme680.cfg.osrs_h = BME680_OVERSAMPLE_X8; bme680.cfg.filter = BME680_IIR_COEFF_127; /* configuring gas sensor. */ /* NB: mode |= BME680_ENABLE_GAS; */ /* there are 10 possible heater setpoints */ /* they can be though of as frames that define one single gas-resistance measurement */ /* they do not carry over or affect eachother in any way. */ for(i=0; i<10; i++) { /* calculate a resistance target, based on desired temp, and ambient temp */ bme680.cfg.res_heat[i] = bme680_calc_target(&bme680, HEATER_TARGET, AMBIENT_TEMP_GUESS); /* initial heating current for the setpoint. Could be useful in cold places.. */ /* 7-bit word. Each step/lsb is equiv. to 1/8 mA; so max 16 mA */ /* this s.p. field is allowed to be left as 0 if no preload is required. */ bme680.cfg.idac_heat[i] = BME680_IDAC(20); /* define the time between the start of heating and start of resistance sensing in this s.p.*/ /* Bosch datasheet suggests ~30 - 40ms is usually all that is required to get up to temp. */ /* 60 * 16 = 960 ms wait before sampling resistance starts. */ /* the first value is 6-bit (0...64) with 1 ms step size. */ bme680.cfg.gas_wait[i] = BME680_GAS_WAIT(60, BME680_GAS_WAIT_X16); } /* The BME680 does not cycle between setpoints. They have to be manually set. */ /* After each "run", the setpoint has to be changed. */ bme680.cfg.setpoint = 0; /* 0 thru 9 */ /* 7. write config to device */ if (bme680_configure(&bme680) != 0) { fprintf(stderr, "bme680_configure()\n"); bme680_deinit(&bme680); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } /* 8. Start forced measurement. After it finishes, it should remember the previous config. */ if (bme680_start(&bme680) != 0) { fprintf(stderr, "bme680_start()\n"); bme680_deinit(&bme680); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } /* 9. poll the meas_status register until all scheduled conversions are done */ if (bme680_poll(&bme680) != 0) { fprintf(stderr, "bme680_poll()\n"); bme680_deinit(&bme680); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } /* 10. read the ADC's and perform a conversion */ if (bme680_read(&bme680) != 0) { fprintf(stderr, "bme680_read()\n"); bme680_deinit(&bme680); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } /* 11. use data ! */ if (BME680_IS_FLOAT(bme680.mode)) { puts("float mode"); printf("tfine: %f\n", bme680.fcomp.tfine); printf("temp: %f degC\n", bme680.fcomp.temp); printf("press: %f Pa\n", bme680.fcomp.press); printf("humidity: %f %% RH\n", bme680.fcomp.hum); if (BME680_GAS_ENABLED(bme680.mode)) { printf("gas resistance: %f Ohm\n", bme680.fcomp.gas_res); printf("== for heater target=%.1f and ambient temp=%.1f (degC)\n", HEATER_TARGET, AMBIENT_TEMP_GUESS); } } else { puts("integer mode"); printf("tfine: %d\n", bme680.icomp.tfine); printf("temp: %d (degC * 100)\n", bme680.icomp.temp); printf("press: %d Pa\n", bme680.icomp.press); printf("humidity: %d (%% RH * 1000)\n", bme680.icomp.hum); if (BME680_GAS_ENABLED(bme680.mode)) { printf("gas resistance: %d Ohm\n", bme680.icomp.gas_res); printf("== for heater target=%.1f and ambient temp=%.1f (degC)\n", HEATER_TARGET, AMBIENT_TEMP_GUESS); } } bme680_deinit(&bme680); return 0; } // STUBS int linux_i2c_init (void) { int ret; puts("i2c_init"); if ((ret = i2c_init(DEVICE, ADDRESS)) > 0) { i2c_dev_fd = ret; return 0; } return 1; } int linux_i2c_read (uint8_t reg, uint8_t *dst, uint32_t size) { uint32_t i; printf("i2c_read: %.2X (%d) [", reg, size); if (i2c_read_reg(i2c_dev_fd, reg, dst, size) != I2C_OK) { return 1; } for(i=0; i