# take a picture.
# First turn on IR LEDS
# GPIO27 is the ground side of the IR leds, so setting it to 0 turns them on
# Note this is through a 220 Ohm resdistor limiting the current to about 10 mA
if [ -d /sys/class/gpio/gpio27  ]; then
echo " gpio27 already exists "
echo 27 > /sys/class/gpio/export 

sleep 0.1
# turn on the IR leds
echo out > /sys/class/gpio/gpio27/direction
echo 0 > /sys/class/gpio/gpio27/value

export d=`date`
export picname=`echo $d | sed 's/ /_/g' | sed 's/:/_/g' `
#echo $picname 

libcamera-jpeg   -o /home/robin/Pictures/$picname.jpg -t 2000 --width 1200 --height 1000

# turn off IR LEDS
echo 1 > /sys/class/gpio/gpio27/value