Robin. P. Clark 2647f7e4d4 first attempt at zg. Did not make much difference although increased the
gain. Perhaps the zeros needs to be closed in frequency to the dc line
These ones were at 7/8 which is 29 degrees approx.
Probably not enough to make a real difference.
2019-09-10 09:42:57 +01:00

313 lines
6.5 KiB

#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <math.h>
// Accuracy here matters.
// With a max 25k TDS (i.e. 16 bits input signal signed)
// this means 6 + 16 == 22.
// This fits within a 32 bit int
// and leaves ten bits of head room.
// For two pole the y0, y1, y2 registers must be 32 bit at least.
// The new rpi is 64 bit so these have had to have been deliberately set
// as int32_t to simulate the pic18 `long' type.
// The short int type on the PIC18 is `int'
#define BIN_FRACS 6
// this is a 64 bit machine (the pi)
int16_t /* squared version of LAG_7_8 */
two_pole_7_8 ( int16_t input ) {
static int32_t y1=0,y2=0, x1,x2;
int32_t * res;
int32_t y0;
int32_t x0 = input;
// x0 times 0.125
// the minus 3 divides by 8 : DOUBLE POLE
x0 <<= (BIN_FRACS-3) ; // now all calculations are done times BIN_FRACS^2
// this works stabley but not well WHY?
//y0 = x0 + y1-(y1>>3) - ((y2>>1) + (y2>>2) + (y2>>6));
// should be
//y0 = x0 + y1+y1-(y1>>2) - (y2>>1 + y2>>2 + y2>>6);
// OK this works well
// y0 = x0 + (14.0 / 8.0) * (double) y1 - (49.0/64.0) * (double) y2;
y0 = x0 +
// (14.0 / 8.0) * (double) y1
// this is 7/4
y1 + y1 - (y1>>2)
// - (49.0/64.0) * (double) y2;
- ( (y2>>1) + // half
(y2>>2) + // quarter
(y2>>6) ); // 64th
// y0 = x0/64 + (y1 * 7) / 4 + (y2*49)/64;
// see what happens when y2>>6 is left out. I theory d.c goes unstable
// and yes it does! 25AUG2019
// y0 = x0 + y1-(y1>>3) - (y2>>1 + y2>>2 /* + y2>>6*/);
y2 = y1;
y1 = y0;
x2 = x1;
x1 = x0;
//res = (short int *)&y0;
//printf("y0=%X res should be %X res=%x\n",y0, y0>>16, res);
// the plus 3 divides by 8
return y0>>(BIN_FRACS+3); // divide back down for scaling and then divide by 8 filter gain // *res;
// Added zero guard. tried a pair of zeros near unit circle
// 7/8 in ADJ, i.e hyp = 1 so on unit circle.
int16_t /* squared version of LAG_7_8 */
two_pole_7_8_zg ( int16_t input ) { // with zero guard
static int32_t y1=0,y2=0, x1,x2;
int32_t * res;
int32_t y0;
int32_t x0 = input;
// x0 times 0.125
// the minus 3 divides by 8 : DOUBLE POLE
x0 <<= (BIN_FRACS-3) ; // now all calculations are done times BIN_FRACS^2
// this works stabley but not well WHY?
//y0 = x0 + y1-(y1>>3) - ((y2>>1) + (y2>>2) + (y2>>6));
// should be
//y0 = x0 + y1+y1-(y1>>2) - (y2>>1 + y2>>2 + y2>>6);
// OK this works well
// y0 = x0 + (14.0 / 8.0) * (double) y1 - (49.0/64.0) * (double) y2;
y0 = (x0>>1) + (x0>>2) + (x0>>6) + (x2>>1) + // 49/64 * x0 + 1/2 * x2
// (14.0 / 8.0) * (double) y1
// this is 7/4
y1 + y1 - (y1>>2)
// - (49.0/64.0) * (double) y2;
- ( (y2>>1) + // half
(y2>>2) + // quarter
(y2>>6) ); // 64th
// y0 = x0/64 + (y1 * 7) / 4 + (y2*49)/64;
// see what happens when y2>>6 is left out. I theory d.c goes unstable
// and yes it does! 25AUG2019
// y0 = x0 + y1-(y1>>3) - (y2>>1 + y2>>2 /* + y2>>6*/);
y2 = y1;
y1 = y0;
x2 = x1;
x1 = x0;
//res = (short int *)&y0;
//printf("y0=%X res should be %X res=%x\n",y0, y0>>16, res);
// the plus 3 divides by 8
return y0>>(BIN_FRACS+3); // divide back down for scaling and then divide by 8 filter gain // *res;
#define BIN_FRACS_15_16 9
// this is a 64 bit machine (the pi)
int16_t /* squared version of LAG_7_8 */
two_pole_15_16 ( int16_t input ) {
static int32_t y1=0,y2=0, x1, x2;
int32_t * res;
int32_t y0;
int32_t x0 = input;
// x0 times 0.125
// the minus 3 divides by 8 : DOUBLE POLE
x0 <<= (BIN_FRACS_15_16) ; // now all calculations are done times BIN_FRACS^2
y0 = x0 +
// (30.0 / 16.0) * (double) y1
// this is 7/8
y1 + y1 - (y1>>3)
// - (49.0/64.0) * (double) y2;
- ( (y2>>1) + // half
(y2>>2) + // quarter
(y2>>3) + // eighth
(y2>>8) // 256th
y2 = y1;
y1 = y0;
// gain of the filter is 256 ((1/16)^2) if x0 is allowed in withiout pre-dividing
y0 >>= 8;
return y0>>(BIN_FRACS_15_16); // divide back down for scaling and then divide by 8 filter gain // *res;
#define RAND_RANGE 500
#define DC_TERM 1500
int zero_only_2 ( int input )
static int x0,x1,x2,x3,x4;
int res=1500*4;
// z^4 z^2 1
//res = input + 2*x2 + x4;
x4 = x3;
x3 = x2;
x2 = x1;
x1 = input;
return res/4;
int zero_only_3 ( int input )
static int x0,x1,x2,x3,x4;
static int x5,x6,x7,x8,x9;
int res=1500;;
// (Z+j)(Z-j) == (Z^2+1) // zero at nyquist
// z^6 z^4 2z^3 z^2 2*z 1
//res = input + x2 +2*x3 + x4 +2*x2 + x6;
// (Z^2 - 1)(Z+1) is zero at half nyquist and zero at nyquist
// z^3 +z^2 + z + 1
res = input + x1 + x2 + x3;
x8 = x7;
x7 = x6;
x6 = x5;
x5 = x4;
x4 = x3;
x3 = x2;
x2 = x1;
x1 = input;
return res/4;
int zero_only_4 ( int input )
static int x0,x1,x2,x3,x4;
static int x5,x6,x7,x8,x9;
int res=1500*16;
// z^8 2z^6 2z^5 2z^4 4z^3 2z^2 2z^1 + 1
//res = input + 2*x2 +2*x3 + x4 + 4*x5 + 2*x6 + 2*x7 + x8;
// (Z+1)(Z-1 // zero at nyquist zero at half nyquist
// (Z^2 - 1)
x8 = x7;
x7 = x6;
x6 = x5;
x5 = x4;
x4 = x3;
x3 = x2;
x2 = x1;
x1 = input;
return res/16;
int main () {
int i, zo2,zo3,zo4;
int16_t val,res, res34, res78, res78_2, rr, res_1516;
for (i=0;i<1000;i++) {
val = sin ( (double)i*10.0 / (3.142 * 2.0) ) * 10.0 + DC_TERM ;
rr = rand() % (RAND_RANGE*2);
val += rr;
// fast sine
//val = sin ( ((double)i*10.0) / (3.142 * 2.0) ) * 10000;
res = two_pole_7_8 ( val );
res_1516 = two_pole_15_16 ( val );
zo2 = two_pole_7_8_zg(val); // zero_only_2 (val);
zo3 = zero_only_3 (val);
zo4 = zero_only_4 (val);
res34 = (((res34<<2) - res34)>>2) + (val>>2);
res78 = (((res78<<3) - res78)>>3) + (val>>3);
res78_2 = (((res78_2<<3) - res78_2)>>3) + (res78>>3); // feed res78 into another should be the same as two pole
// 1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19
printf ("%d val %d res %d res34 %d res78 %d res78_2 %d res_1516 %d zo2 %d zo3 %d zo4 %d EOL\n",
i, val,res, res34, res78, res78_2, res_1516, zo2, zo3, zo4);
return 0;