Robin. P. Clark
Strong double prec low pass added
2019-09-11 12:29:36 +01:00
Robin. P. Clark
15 16 squared lag filter now ready for 8 bit compiler
maybe BINFRACS is a higher than it needs to be.
2019-09-10 10:53:17 +01:00
Robin. P. Clark
first attempt at zg. Did not make much difference although increased the
gain. Perhaps the zeros needs to be closed in frequency to the dc line
These ones were at 7/8 which is 29 degrees approx.
Probably not enough to make a real difference.
2019-09-10 09:42:57 +01:00
Robin. P. Clark
Zero poles at half nyquist
2019-09-10 09:12:01 +01:00
As an experiment fed the 7/8 LAG in twice. It tstill does not perform as
well as the two pole filter
2019-08-26 09:41:24 +01:00
two pole files with int sizes specified
2019-08-26 06:50:52 +01:00