RSA workbench assignment - Files used with brief description

Files used to implement this assignment

bc.html A brief description of the bc scripting language.
bc_man_page.html The unix man page for the bc scripting language
calc_big_expon.bc source code for the 'residue' optimised c^d%n equation script.
calc_pi.php Calculate pi to arbitary precision. Script to take parameters from php to create and run a bc script based on the source code from calc_big_expon.bc.
checkd Script to check that a value of d, is valid aginst known values of phi and e.
decode.php PHP page to decode a value encoded with a public key -or- to encode a value using the private key.
encode.php PHP page to decode a value encoded with a private key -or- to encode a value using the public key.
encode_pub.php PHP page to guide a user into encrypting a value with a newly created RSA keyset.
findd Script to find a suitable value of d.
find_d.html Description of the algorithm used to calculate the private key value 'd'
find_d.php PHP page that calls the bc scripts to iterate to find a correct value for d.
find_phi.php PHP page to find the value for phi.
gcd.php Greatest common denominator PHP page, calls a BC script, which recursively finds the gcd.
generate_key.php A large PHP page which guides the user through all stage of creating an RSA key set.
gt100k script to decide whether a number is larger than 100,000. Note this has to be done via bc, as PHP/floating point cannot deal with large numbers.
hints_to_choosing_e.html HTML page offering advice on values of e to choose for the public key.
index.php Main page, introduction and links to descriptions and generate key/ encryption pages.
ln2 Script (using bc) to find the log to base 2 of very very large numbers. Useful for determining maximum key set lenghts possible with the chosen modulus (n value)
maths.html Description of the mathematical method used to break very large equations of the form c^d%n down recursively into more manageable calculations.
multiply.php Multiplies the two prime numbers chosen to form the modulus (n value)
nlhtml.sed A 'sed' script to tidy up raw bc output
pi.php A PHP page offering an arbitary precision calculation of pi, part of the general description of the bc scripting language.
primes.php A PHP page to calculate prime numbers on the fly, to be chosen for creating an RSA key.
rsa_explanations_list.html A list of web pages germane to RSA.
rsa_workbench.tar.gz All the files that comprise this assignment. Unpacking this on a PHP/bc/unix machine, should allow this project to be run on other servers.
searchd Calculate a possible value of 'd' using bc with a bash wrapper
21255511to266511.txt A clear text example of a very large number produced by an eight and six digit exponent.