#!/bin/bash # Calculate large exponent #echo "cbe.sh called BASH SCRIPT" # php in 'safe mode' (god dag yx skaft) # passes the parameters sent in one string # turning off safe mode in the php.ini file # does not seem to change this behaviour. # to overcome this sed will extract the variables #echo "argument 1:" $1 # c=`echo $1 | sed 's/.*A \([0-9]*\) B.*/\1/'` d=`echo $1 | sed 's/.*B \([0-9]*\) C.*/\1/'` n=`echo $1 | sed 's/.*C \([0-9]*\) D.*/\1/'` args=`echo "

c " $c " d " $d " n " $n "

"` # # calculate c^d%n date=`date | sed 's\:\_\g' | sed 's\ \_\g'` echo "date on this server" $date echo "

" #echo " calc_big_expon.bc > calc_big_expon.$$.$date.bc "; echo "

" echo "created a custom bash script to run to decode using the secret key using residues" echo "

" echo " custom bc script produced " echo "
cat calc_big_expon.bc 
echo "r=1;"        
echo "t($c,$d,$n);"
echo "r;"
echo "
" echo "

" Use the above bc script to decode the message. echo "
