This commit is contained in:
Robin Clark 2022-07-17 22:00:10 +01:00
parent 1673016c5f
commit a920e282e5

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@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ zipleds = KitronikZIPLEDs(3)
# Python u arse hole sec = Integer()
rtc.setDate(16, 7, 2022)
rtc.setTime(12, 10, 0)
rate = 100
rate = 60 # 20 wpm
sec = 0
@ -63,7 +63,7 @@ def ButtonB_f_IRQHandler(pin):
d = tt - last_tt
if pv:
#print(" duration of inter-m space ", d)
if d < rate*6:
if d < rate*3:
print (" ")
print (" interval ")
@ -234,13 +234,13 @@ def process_morse():
morse = []
last_was_space = 0
last_sp = tt
last_sp = last_tt
#oled.displayText(rtc.readDateString(), 1, 25)
#oled.displayText(rtc.readTimeString(), 2, 33)
#oled.displayText(str(mcount), 4, 33)
if (tt - last_sp) > rate*15 : # and last_not_space == 0:
if (tt - last_sp) > rate*22 : # and last_not_space == 0:
if last_was_space == 0:
printm(" ");
last_was_space = 1 # dont keep repeating inter word spaces