\documentclass[a4paper,10pt]{article} \usepackage[utf8]{inputenc} \newcommand{\theme}{Macdondalds} \newcommand{\ttt}{D} \newcommand{\topname}{Drink} \newcommand{\mmm}{M} \newcommand{\midname}{Burger} \newcommand{\bbb}{F} \newcommand{\botname}{fries} %opening \title{} \author{} \begin{document} \maketitle \begin{abstract} This small document un~picks the common facebook maths picture puzzle. % solution \end{abstract} \section{Various themes but always the same hidden multiply: this one is the {\theme} maths puzzle etc.} Where $\ttt$ is a {\topname}, $\mmm$ is a {\midname} and $\bbb$ is {\botname}: $$ \ttt + \ttt + \ttt = 30 $$ so $\ttt$ == 10 $$ \ttt + \mmm + \mmm = 20 $$ so $\mmm$ == 5 $$ \mmm + \bbb \bbb + \bbb \bbb = 9 $$ so $\bbb \bbb + \bbb \bbb = 4$ therefore $\bbb \bbb=2$ so $\bbb=\pm \sqrt{2}$ Onto the final equation $$\mmm + \bbb \times \ttt = \; ? $$ As $\bbb$ is $\pm \sqrt{2}$ there are actually two valid answers: $ 5 + \sqrt{2} \times 10 $ and $ 5 - \sqrt{2} \times 10 $ So the answer is either 19.142 or -9.142. \vspace{0.5cm} typeset in {\LaTeX} on {\today}. \end{document}