# Makefile to test and plot sections of the curve # to test the interpolation table # # # SOURCE = capacitive_mains_inputs2 TEX_SOURCE = $(SOURCE).tex PDF_SOURCE = $(SOURCE).pdf # # # Place all .png files here as .dia targets # # png files mangle text now in dia DIA = opto.dia DIAJPG = opto.jpg doc: $(DIAJPG) echo $? gnuplot reactance.gpt pdflatex $(TEX_SOURCE) pdflatex $(TEX_SOURCE) acroread $(PDF_SOURCE) || evince $(PDF_SOURCE) bib: bibtex $(SOURCE) #%.png:%.dia # echo $? # dia -t png $< # mkdir -p images_sw_doc # echo $< $@ # mv $@ images_sw_doc # echo $@ %.jpg:%.dia echo $? dia -t jpg $< mkdir -p images_sw_doc echo "dia to jpg arg list and target" $< $@ mv $@ images_sw_doc echo $@ #images.tex: # cat begin_images.tex > images.tex # ls images_sw_doc >> images.tex # cat end_images.tex >> images.tex # clean: rm *.pdf