\documentclass[a4paper,10pt]{article} \usepackage[utf8]{inputenc} %opening \title{Fermat Primes reasoning} \author{R.P.Clark} \begin{document} \maketitle \begin{abstract} Fermat reasoning for proving $a^N+b^N = c^N$ does not exist as an integer solution for values of $N \ge 3$. \end{abstract} \section{Definitions} \subsection{Numbers as collections or bags of prime numbers} For the reasoning that follows it is helpful to think of integers as bags\footnote{Bags are like axiomatic sets except bags can hold duplicate values.} of prime numbers that can be multiplied together, or bag of Prime Numbers (BPN). For instance the number, say 12 can be factored as $2\times2\times3$ or $2^2 \times 3$. \paragraph{Additional as a destructor of co-prime factors} Consider addition using numbers as bags of prime numbers. Consider adding 12 and 21 i.e. $12+21=33$. $$ (2\times2\times3 + 3\times7) $$ Clearly the common factor of three can be moved outside the brackets $$ 3 \times (2\times2 + 7) $$ This means that the co-prime elements within the brackets will not be preserved, but destroyed / removed from the resultant BPN. The BPN for 33 is $3\times11$, the 2 and 7 prime numbers in the brackets have been removed. \paragraph{Power Balanced Prime Numbers} A number is prime balanaced for a given integer $N$, if all its prime factors exist $N*k$ times where $k$ is a positive integer. as the PBPN is relevant for a given N value PBPN is defined as a boolean function PBPN(N) where it is true or false according to its BPN content. For instance, the number 25 i.e. $5^2$ is prime balanced for $N=2$: 100 is also a PBPN(2) $5^2\times2^2 = 100$. The number 200 i.e. $5^2\times2^3$ is not a PBPN(2) because the power of 2 ($2^3$) is not cleanly divisible by 2. \subsection{Roots: integer or trancendental results} In order for a root to have an integer result it must have a `Prime~Balanced' PBPN. If it does not the root will contain a trancedental fractional power. Consider 200 in the case above. Its square root is $5^1\times2^{3/2}$. Any number greater than 1 with a fractional root will be transendental because it cannot resolve back to a BPN. \subsection{Relatively Co-Prime} If two numbers have at least some co-prime factors they are `Relatively co-prime' (RCP). Thus numbers that can share some prime factors and have co-prime as well are RCP. \section{Back to the Fermat conjecture} \subsection{Discussion with $N=2$} $$ a^N + b^N = c^N$$ For the $c^N$ part to have an integer in $c$ the result of the addition must be a PBPN. Also both $a$ and $b$ must be less than $c$. However they must add up to a PBPN. This means a and b must be relatively co prime. Consider the Pythagoras example for a set square 3,4,5. $$4^2 + 3^2 = 5^2$$ Viewing this as bags of prime numbers we have $2^3 + 3^2 = 5^2$. Here the numbers being added are RCP (actually co-prime as well). The addition has removed the co-prime factors of $2$ and $3$ and resulted in a PBPN(2) number with 5 as its only prime number. Now consider multiplying the numbers in the addition by a PBPN(2) number. The simplest is $2^2$. So $$ 2^2\times3^2 + 2^2\times4^2 = 100$$ or $$ 2^2(3^2 + 4^2) = 5^2\times2^2 $$ The number 100 is true for PBPN(2) and therfore has an integer square root. \subsection{Discussion with $N=3$} For the equation below $$ a^3 + b^3 = c^3$$ to be true for some integers a,b and c the following conditions must be met. \begin{itemize} \item a and b must be less than c \item a and b must be RCP \end{itemize} \end{document}